New to Unreal Engine

This page is meant to serve as a guide for beginners to Unreal Engine and Blueprints to point them in a direction to start learning

Advice for Learning Unreal Engine

  1. Learn the basics of the Unreal Editor

  2. Learn programming fundamentals with Blueprint

    1. Note: I recommend to start with Blueprints because the engine has a lot of Blueprint integration and even if you're planning to use C++ it's still recommended to use Blueprints to some degree for things

  3. Learn Unreal Engines Gameplay Framework/Architecture

  4. Build games using Blueprints

  5. Learn about programming best practices with Blueprints & other programming topics

Step#1: Learn the basics of the Unreal Engine Editor

Step#2: Learn programming fundamentals with Blueprint

(Optional) Part 1 - Object Oriented Programming

Note: Unreal Engine heavily uses Object Oriented Programming, so it can be good to leanr a bit about it beforehand

Part 2 - General Overview of Blueprints

Part 3 - Learn the basic syntax of Blueprints, the various Blueprint nodes, and how to use Blueprints

Note: All of the resources below are unlike others that simply show you how to build a game, but instead focuses on teaching what the various Blueprint nodes do

Part 4 - Learn about Blueprint Communication

(Optional) Part 5 - Follow a tutorial/course building a game to get a feel of Unreal Engine and using blueprints

Part 6 - How to think like a programmer

Step#3: Learn Unreal Engines Gameplay Framework/Architecture

Step#4: Build games using Blueprints

  • Come up with your own project(s)

  • (Website) The 20 Games Challenge - Can be used as a guide to practice building games in Unreal Engine to learn game dev

    • Note: Even though some of the games on the list are 2D games, you can create them as 2.5D or 3D games instead

Step#5: Learn about programming best practices with Blueprints & other programming topics

Part 1 - Programming best practices with Blueprints

Part 2 - Other programming topics

  • Object Oriented Programming (OOP)

  • Data Structures & Algorithms

  • Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)

  • Refactoring & Clean Code

  • Design Patterns

  • Software Testing

  • Debugging

  • Version Control

  • Database Management & Database Concepts

Extra Resources

Last updated